Does your stored Diesel look like this? It deteriorates and may contain Water, Sludge, Growth, Gels and other contaminants. This is a huge risk in case of emergency, but can be easily solved.
Is your Diesel sometimes cloudy, or you cannot get to the bottom of your tank to be certain there is no contamination? You need to be sure! Ask us to help you do a Risk Assessment.
Do you regularly have your stored diesel cleaned or "polished"? A service report should include samples, photos, analyses and any urgent actions. This can be expensive every 6 months.
Contact us now for an obligation free consultation or visit
Typical industries or applications with large stored diesel tanks include:-
Data Processing Centres, Prisons, Hospitals, Banks, Government Installations, Defence Installations, Air Traffic Control, Utility Companies, Mining Sites, Farms, Research Laboratories, Railroads, Fleet Truck Centres, Police & Fire Stations, Universities & Schools, Social Media Headquarters.
Diesel Now BB-4 Fuel Sampler
Know for certain if you have any contaminants on the bottom of your tanks!
The Diesel Now Fuel Sampler, model BB-4, offers an easy and quick way to collect samples from the very bottom of all storage tanks and other bulk storage containers. When the Fuel Sampler strikes the bottom of the tank, the plunger assembly opens to admit the fuel sample. The plunger closes again when the sampler is withdrawn. Extension Rods enable samples to be collected from 10mm, 50mm and 100mm off the bottom of a tank.
The BB-4 Site Kit includes :
5m of stainless steel support cable
2 Extension Rods
Sturdy Kit with Procedures and Tips
Postage to anywhere in Australia.
For any variation or modification please contact Diesel Now

Buy Now!
The Diesel Now Product Range includes
Portable Diesel Filter Systems
PF-3 A multi-function unit for cleaning up existing contaminated tanks
BB-4 A versatile tool that grabs samples from the very bottom of tanks
Automatic Diesel Filter Systems
DN-15 For single tanks of 2,000 L to 50,000 L capacity
DN-15M For multiple tank applications
Will your defense, emergency, or security system remain armed when a loss of power occurs? Protect your hospital, government office, defence facility, or other mission critical installation from catastrophe by investing in a diesel fuel maintenance system from Diesel Now.
Contact us now for an obligation free consultation or visit
"When the lights go's too late to clean your fuel"
Contact Diesel Now
Stored Diesel Filtration Systems
Phone 0424 808 064
ABN: 47 132 234 890