Ensuring Reliable Power for Data Processing Security Installations

In the heart of the city, a large data processing organization operates across five floors of a 32-story commercial building. With mission-critical operations, uninterrupted power supply is non-negotiable. To meet this need, the organisation has installed a robust 1.5MW Diesel Generator along with a 15,000 Litre Diesel Fuel Storage Tank. But what ensures the diesel…

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What is on the very bottom of your bulk stored diesel tank?

Most likely there will be some condensed water, but chances are there could be some fine silt, sludge, contaminants, rust, biological gels and growth, or even worse!? This “sample” of stored diesel fuel was taken from an underground tank at a regional hospital. In the event of a power failure, the diesel fuel is meant…

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Australian BioResources install a Diesel Now Fuel Maintenance System

Australian BioResources (ABR) have installed a Diesel Now, model DN-15 (FTI-2.8), to ensure that their stored diesel fuel is always in optimum, clean and safe condition. ABR’s sophisticated Building Maintenance System depends on reliable, uninterrupted power from their 1 Mw Diesel Generator. The Generator, in turn, depends on clean diesel fuel for the 24/7 operations.…

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